We are none of us alike.

About: Pure Remedies
Pure Remedies is a resource point to use the Bach Flower Remedy system, and is founded upon a core tenet of this system - that each person is a unique individual and no two persons are alike. To each person belongs a bespoke remedy.
We envision this site to be a watering hole to which all manner of creatures come, and in doing so and trying out the remedies, each one is able to see its own reflection in the water ever more clearly.
To know thyself, to heal thyself.

About: Practitioner
Cheryl encountered Bach Flower Remedy along her own journey of healing. The teachings and ethos of Dr Edward Bach have resonated greatly with Cheryl and she is excited to share this system with you.
Cheryl is registered with the Bach Centre UK as a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BRFP) and a Bach Foundation Registered Animal Practitioner (BFRAP).
Other hats Cheryl wears include being a lawyer, dog lover, language aficionado, art writer [Paradigms], and cello enthusiast.